
After my working holiday in Australia ended in 2018, I returned to my hometown Changhua and founded the ikuiku studio. I am sending out a message to the world through my illustration work, “lust is an instinct and love is diverse.” I hope someday we can discuss sexuality casually like the way we discuss what we will have for breakfast!
6 / 6 items
6 / 6 items
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iPhone XS Max
Mod NX / Modular Protective Case
ikuiku republic
iPhone XS Max
Mod NX / Modular Protective Case
Amazing Australia
iPhone XS Max
Mod NX / Modular Protective Case
ikuiku travel agency
iPhone XS Max
Mod NX / Modular Protective Case
Chill high high
iPhone XS Max
Mod NX / Modular Protective Case
ikuiku! Sento
iPhone XS Max
Mod NX / Modular Protective Case
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